By Liturgical Element
Litany in the Time of COVID-19
The litany below was written in a time of COVID-19. It can be used as is or adapted for use as a call to worship, opening prayer, pastoral prayer, etc. Let us pray: Paul wrote these words so long ago: “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit intercedes for us through wordless groans. [Rom. 8:26-NIV] And surely, we are the ones without words, silent before the immensity of the pandemic. We offer our despair at the suffering of millions of people all over the world We offer our grief for the many thousands who have died...
read moreEaster Eggs in a Basket
Eggs in a Basket to Tell the Easter Story I have used 8 eggs, not the traditional dozen (it’s what I had at my house) The plan is to tell part of the story and then invite the children to guess what might be in the eggs that represent the story I have just shared. Have fun!! Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem: Egg 1 – An antique cardboard Easter egg – inside is a coat (from a Mary Poppins doll), a piece of spider plant (to represent the palms), and a minitaure porcelain stallion. Jesus overturning the tables in the temple:...
read moreThe Passion of Jesus Christ According to Matthew: for 5+ Readers & 1 Cantor
A script written for for Palm/Passion Sunday 2020 to be enacted via video worship. Cast can be scaled up or down as needed. Cast 2 Narrators Judas 2 Disciples Jesus Peter Pilate High Priest Servant girls Cantor Crowd: All Cross Draper Props Cross Black shroud All cast members dressed in black The Passion of Jesus Christ (Matthew 26:14-27:66) [Cast is seated on chancel, and on lower level High Priest, Disciple 1 and Narrator 2 stage left. Narrator 1 and Jesus stage right. Cantor and Disciple 2 below, distanced.] Narrator 1: Then one of...
read moreEaster Dinner Devotional
A Simple Order for an Easter Devotional Around the Table Call to the Table One: A tomb sealed with a stone is now empty! A people in darkness are bathed in light. A moment of violence has been transformed by Love, with love, for the love of everyone forever. Hallelujah!! Lighting of the Candle Scripture Reading (select one or both): Isaiah 25:6-9 Luke 24:13-49 Easter Dinner Grace (choose one): This table is set with good things. Feed us so that we may feed others! AMEN. Risen Christ, for our wounds and sores, make us resilient. For our...
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