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9 Minutes 29 Seconds

Posted by on Jun 23, 2021 in Peace & Justice, Racism, Slideshow | 0 comments

9 Minutes 29 Seconds

  This video is meant to honor the life of the George Floyd, whose life was violently stamped out on camera. Onlookers cried out in desperation as they watched George cry out for his mother as he was literally suffocated. We are still crying out. Black people are still being murdered at the hands of police. This video is also in honor of those people and their lives lost at the hands of police AFTER the murder of George Floyd. They were someone’s family too. They carried lineages of powers and well of dreams too. As you look at this...

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Rolling the Stones Away

Posted by on Jul 26, 2020 in Prayers/Litanies, Racism, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services, Violence | 0 comments

Rolling the Stones Away

The Spring and Summer of 2020 brought us heaviness: pandemic, financial distress, deepening political divisions, and the death of George Floyd which further exposed police violence against black and brown people and rekindled the resistance against systemic racism and white privilege.  Any one of these would be heavy.  Together they are weighing us down and threatening to crush us.  This special service is a liturgical response to the heaviness and is intended to inspire hope and “roll the stones away.”  LINK TO VIDEO HERE:...

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Be the Church

Posted by on May 21, 2016 in Benediction, Call to Worship, Environment, Offering, Peace & Justice, Prayers/Litanies, Racism, Slideshow | 0 comments

Be the Church

In 2016, The United Church of Christ has a lively new call to action, listing nine ways we are called to “BE THE CHURCH.” You can get banners and other materials to promote this vision of faith made visible in the world at I explored the theme in a five part worship series, and these are the materials I wrote for the series. I have included the scriptures used, some of which are referenced in the worship materials.  Martha Peck #1 – Be the Church: Care for the Poor  (John 21:1-19, Acts 9:1-9) (NOTE: For this first...

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