9 Minutes 29 Seconds
This video is meant to honor the life of the George Floyd, whose life was violently stamped out on camera. Onlookers cried out in desperation as they watched George cry out for his mother as he was literally suffocated. We are still crying out. Black people are still being murdered at the hands of police. This video is also in honor of those people and their lives lost at the hands of police AFTER the murder of George Floyd. They were someone’s family too. They carried lineages of powers and well of dreams too.
As you look at this video, please focus on their smiles, their eyes, their presence – see their humanity – and make a commitment to safeguard it as you would your own flesh and blood.
This video will play for 9:29 seconds – we encourage you to sit with this video and the images for the full amount of time.
This video is being posted with permission granted on June 23rd, 2021