Worship: Matters
It is the week of the 7th Sunday in Epiphany. Ash Wednesday is nipping at my heels. Our church’s worship team is discerning our Lenten worship theme and related services. Ecumenical Holy Week events are being planned by my local clergy group. The Vermont Conference Annual Meeting (which I am helping to plan worship for) is just about 2 months away. Oh yeah, and there is a Sunday, again, this week. I feel like I am working as a barista at Churchbucks as the worship services stand in line waiting to order: 7th Sunday in Epiphany...
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During the fall of 2015, a group of us gathered in the basement of our church for 6 Wednesdays to study Scripture and explore our own calls to leadership through a resource from Logos Productions, titled: “God Calls Leaders.” As our study came to a close, we decided to take our study out of the basement and into the sanctuary. Our motivation: to further explore our own calls to leadership while helping the congregation to the same. We were fortunate to have an artist in our study group who suggested that we find a way to...
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“Let every living thing praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 150 – Common English Bible) Chances are that your bulletin, like my bulletin (yes, we use a bulletin) contains words like this: TODAY’S MINISTERS: ALL OF US!! The Priesthood of all believers (and doubters), right? Chances are also, that in your church, like mine, the perceived worship leaders are the ones serving in formal roles “up front”: the pastor and other staff, the choir and other musicians, worship assistants (about 10 people who...
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