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Special Sundays/Services

“Star Words” A Service

Posted by on Dec 15, 2022 in Call to Worship, Epiphany, Prayers/Litanies, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

“Star Words” A Service

Below is a complete order of worship created by Rev. Leigh McCaffrey for Sunday worship at Barre Congregational Church, Barre, VT on January 9, 2022 (The Feast of Epiphany).  The order ends with the distribution of “star words” to the entire congregation. What are star words?  See description below from (accessed 12/8/22), written by Debbie Gline Allen, Commissioned Minister of Christian Formation, who serves as Minister of Faith Formation for the Southern New England...

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On Our Knees

Posted by on May 10, 2022 in Arts, Prayers/Litanies, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

On Our Knees

The prayer-poem below was written in the same week that a leaked opinion draft authored by Supreme Court Justice Alito revealed that Roe v. Wade was likely to be overturned in June 2022.  It was delivered at Charlotte Congregational Church, United Church of Christ on Mother’s Day, 5/8/22. Dear God,   One needn’t be a mother just a woman or a girl to feel the slap, the lash across the back that drives us to our knees. “Down,” it demands, “fool that you are, weak, stupid untrustworthy and lustful.”   The secret is that down here...

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Hope Fund: Pentecost Resources

Posted by on Apr 21, 2022 in Call to Worship, Offering, Pentecost, Prayers/Litanies, Scripture/Readings, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

Hope Fund: Pentecost Resources

  On November 13th, 2021, a special meeting of the Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ enthusiastically approved the creation of a visionary initiative called the Hope Fund. At that meeting the people of the Vermont Conference also approved the creation of a fundraising team to support this effort.  Your fundraising team: Paul Sangree, Elise Foster, Kevin Goldenbogen, Elissa Johnk, Leigh McCaffrey, Andy Nagy-Benson (chair)  On Pentecost Sunday, June 5th, 2022 (or another Sunday of your choice), we invite your church to hold a...

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Litany for Regathering

Posted by on Jun 29, 2021 in Invitation/Hospitality, Prayers/Litanies, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

Litany for Regathering

After almost 17 months of worshipping outside of our church sanctuary due to COVID-19, we regathered  inside once again on 7/4.  Towards the beginning of our service, we’ll pray together with the litany below.  It is easily adapted to use in your setting. Re-Gathering Litany & Lord’s Prayer One: Since last we gathered in this sanctuary as a congregation, so much has happened.  Many: 2 Easters and one Christmas have come and gone.  Jobs have changed.  Neighbors have moved.  2 classes have graduated.  Babies have been born.  Some of...

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Ash Wednesday 2021

Posted by on Feb 2, 2021 in Lent, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

Ash Wednesday 2021

In the COVID-19 era, the very tactile and personal liturgy for Ash Wednesday poses unique challenges for video worship.  Below is a liturgy we developed for 2021 that has been translated for the screen into the following format: 20 minute service will be recorded in advance, rendered into a worship video, and viewed by “share screen” option that is streamed simultaneously through Zoom and YouTube Live. During the Imposition of Ashes, we will pause the video and go live.  This will allow us to see one another as we wipe ashes on...

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Service of Lament and Healing

Posted by on Aug 4, 2020 in By Season, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

Service of Lament and Healing

This Service of Lament and Healing is available for pastors and other churches who would like to take time to grieve and remember those who have died of the COVID-19 virus, as well as passing of John Lewis, Elijah McClain and people of color who have been victims of violence at the hands of police and others.  Created as a Sunday worship service,  the liturgy includes scripture from Psalms and Romans and an excerpt from Joanna Macy’s book “Pass It On: Five Stories That Can Change the World”. Music under the direction of Peter Amidon include,...

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Rolling the Stones Away

Posted by on Jul 26, 2020 in Prayers/Litanies, Racism, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services, Violence | 0 comments

Rolling the Stones Away

The Spring and Summer of 2020 brought us heaviness: pandemic, financial distress, deepening political divisions, and the death of George Floyd which further exposed police violence against black and brown people and rekindled the resistance against systemic racism and white privilege.  Any one of these would be heavy.  Together they are weighing us down and threatening to crush us.  This special service is a liturgical response to the heaviness and is intended to inspire hope and “roll the stones away.”  LINK TO VIDEO HERE:...

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Litany of Remembrance: Memorial Day 2020

Posted by on May 18, 2020 in Pentecost, Prayers/Litanies, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 14 comments

Litany of Remembrance: Memorial Day 2020

Based on John 15 In the Gospel of John we hear the story of how Jesus, in the final hours before his death, taught his followers some essential truths.  This is part of what he taught them: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” On this Sunday before Memorial Day, we pause to remember the self-giving love of Jesus Christ that he modeled for us and which has been imitated in the self-giving love of those men and women who died in...

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Easter Eggs in a Basket

Posted by on Apr 6, 2020 in Children's Message, Easter, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

Easter Eggs in a Basket

Eggs in a Basket to Tell the Easter Story I have used 8 eggs, not the traditional dozen (it’s what I had at my house) The plan is to tell part of the story and then invite the children to guess what might be in the eggs that represent the story I have just shared.  Have fun!! Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem: Egg 1 – An antique cardboard Easter egg – inside is a coat (from a Mary Poppins doll), a piece of spider plant (to represent the palms), and a minitaure porcelain stallion. Jesus overturning the tables in the temple:...

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The Passion of Jesus Christ According to Matthew: for 5+ Readers & 1 Cantor

Posted by on Apr 2, 2020 in Arts, Lent, Scripture/Readings, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

The Passion of Jesus Christ According to Matthew: for 5+ Readers & 1 Cantor

A script written for for Palm/Passion Sunday 2020 to be enacted via video worship.  Cast can be scaled up or down as needed. Cast 2 Narrators Judas 2 Disciples Jesus Peter Pilate High Priest Servant girls Cantor Crowd: All Cross Draper Props Cross Black shroud All cast members dressed in black The Passion of Jesus Christ (Matthew 26:14-27:66) [Cast is seated on chancel, and on lower level High Priest, Disciple 1 and Narrator 2 stage left. Narrator 1 and Jesus stage right. Cantor and Disciple 2 below, distanced.] Narrator 1:       Then one of...

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