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Posted by on May 18, 2020 | 14 comments

Litany of Remembrance: Memorial Day 2020

Based on John 15

In the Gospel of John we hear the story of how Jesus, in the final hours before his death, taught his followers some essential truths.  This is part of what he taught them: This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

On this Sunday before Memorial Day, we pause to remember the self-giving love of Jesus Christ that he modeled for us and which has been imitated in the self-giving love of those men and women who died in military service to our country:

  • we remember and we pray for our soldiers who laid down their lives for their friends and fellow citizens;
  • we remember and we pray for those who put the health and well-being of others above their own;
  • we remember and we pray for those who did not lay down their lives, but who suffered physical, emotional, or mental damage and need healing;
  • we remember and we pray for those families who are grieving;
  • we remember and we pray for those soldiers and military family members who need our ongoing support and care;
  • we remember and we pray for our leaders to honor our soldiers, and all of us, by leading with wisdom and restraint;
  • we remember and we pray for the example of Jesus Christ to be the vision of service for all of us, whoever we are and wherever we are;
  • we long for and we pray for a world filled with peace, where we no longer need to lay down our lives for our friends anymore.
  • On this Sunday before Memorial Day, we pray all of this in the name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus the Christ, AMEN.

© Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen, 2020

Kevin Goldenbogen is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ serving Charlotte Congregational Church in northwestern Vermont. He skis, runs, bakes bread, and tries every day to follow Jesus. He is married to the perfect woman and has two boys who he loves beyond words.


  1. May I use ” Remember ” as part of our Service this memorial day?

    Thank you,
    Beth Stowe

    • Certainly. Thank you for asking!

  2. We will be using this as well and I will notate your name as the author.

    Thank you,
    Rev. Valerie Austin

    • Thank you!

  3. This is EXCELLENT, Pastor. May I use it for my congregation’s moment of remembrance this Sunday?

    • Thank you for asking. May this resource serve you and your congregation well.

  4. For the past two years, since becoming a licensed parish pastor – I have struggled and looked hard to find a fitting litany or prayer – this is awesome. May I use it in my service Sunday? Thank you!

    • In wish you well this Sunday! thank you for asking.

  5. I love this. I would like to use it for our service this Sunday. Is that OK?

    • Yes, thank you!

  6. I have always struggled to find the right way to commemorate Memorial Day during worship. This is amazing and are the words I have struggled to find for years! May I use this in my church this Sunday? I will of course give you the credit. Thanks!

    • Glad it will be helpful to you and your congregation. Thank you for letting us know.

  7. This is beautifully written. Thank you for sharing it! May we read it during our service?

    • Yes. Thank you!

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