Easter Eggs in a Basket

Eggs in a Basket to Tell the Easter Story
I have used 8 eggs, not the traditional dozen (it’s what I had at my house) The plan is to tell part of the story and then invite the children to guess what might be in the eggs that represent the story I have just shared. Have fun!!
- Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem: Egg 1 – An antique cardboard Easter egg – inside is a coat (from a Mary Poppins doll), a piece of spider plant (to represent the palms), and a minitaure porcelain stallion.
- Jesus overturning the tables in the temple: Egg 2 – pink and yellow – a minitaure table made with a piece of cardboard and toothpicks (2 cut in half to make 4) stuck in cardboard and hotglued in place, with two “$” signs on the top of the table.
- Mary annointing Jesus’ feet: Egg 3 – purple – a sample perfume.
- Judas betraying Jesus: Egg 4 – pink – Euros
- The Last Supper: Egg 5 – blue – a doll-size tea party cup and the end of a hot dog roll (to look like a loaf of bread)
- Jesus is arrested and denied by Peter: Egg 6 – camo (yes, I found camoflauge plastic eggs!) – a mini plastic soldier and a rooster from a children’s farm house and animals.
- Jesus is nailed to the cross – Egg 7 – pink and purple – A small cross and 2 picture frame nails
- Jesus is buried – Egg 8 – purple – a stone
- Jesus has risen! – Egg 9 – yellow – empty.
Certainly, other items can be substituted to represent the story. The following website (faithgateway.com) was my inspiration and offers some quite different ideas:
© Rev. Sally May, 2020