We Told Them Another Parable

- A few weeks before the service, we intentionally invited speakers who collectively knew a variety of languages: european, african, sign language, etc.
- Once all the readers were secured, we emailed them a list of: 1) the order they would speak, and 2) the place in the sanctuary they would speak (roughly encircling the congregation (i.e. balcony, side aisles, back, and front))
- Just before the worship service that morning we briefly gathered as a reading team to walk through who would speak when, where and how
- When it was time to read, and with no advance notice given to the congregation, the 7 speakers walked to their places
- The first reader read in English (we are an English speaking congregation). After a slight pause, the other 6 read sequentially with a slight pause between each reading
- Lastly, the first reader ended by reading in English for a final time. In the end there were 7 readers, but the parable was read a total of 8 times
- by gently surprising (no advance notice given)
- by hearing languages we don’t usually hear
- by repeating the story
- by encircling them with the Word
- by building anticipation for the sermon that followed
© Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen, 2018