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Posted by on Apr 20, 2017 | 0 comments

Emmaus: Call & Prayers

Below you will find a Call to Worship, Prayer of Confession, Assurance of Pardon and a Prayer of Dedication to be used in a service that draws upon Luke 24:13-15 and the story of the post-resurrection walk to Emmaus.  May your “hearts burn” as you open the Scriptures in worship!


Leader:      The road was sandy. Our feet were tired.

People:    We talked about many things. We just wanted to get home.

Leader:      We missed Jesus.

People:    We were scared. We hoped it was true.

Leader:      We did not know what to believe.

People:    We did not notice the face of the one who walked beside us.

Leader:      But our hearts burned…

People:    We invited the stranger: Stay with us.



Risen Christ, yours is the heartbeat of grace deep within us,

the light step beside us on our journeys,

the footprints in the sand, revealing how you carry us when we grow weary.

Yours is the face we glimpse when we perceive one another’s holiness.

Yours are the promises: that life conquers death,

that goodness is stronger than evil,

and that we can build our lives around your shining truth.

Show us where you are today, in this place, and in each of us. Amen.



Holy God, we confess our slowness of heart.

We have failed to see you in our brothers and sisters,

We have failed to serve you in meeting the needs of our neighbors,

We have failed to give our hearts to you.

Holy God, we are selfish, scared, and often numb to the beauty of the world,

and the potential for grace that is around us and within us.

Awaken us today, to all that becomes possible, because you live….  Amen.



Friends on the journey, hear the good news of the gospel:

Jesus is near. Grace is real.

We do not have to be perfect in our actions or our beliefs.

We need only to open our hearts—to mystery, love, presence and joy.



God you have made of us an Easter people,

ready to tell the news of death’s defeat,

eager to share our joy and our money,

alive with hope, accompanied by glory,

on the road with Jesus.

Bless our gathering, our gifts, and our going forth. Amen

© Rev. Martha B. Peck, 2017

Rev. Martha Beckwith Peck has served three churches in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, beginning in 1981, and is currently pastor of the Westmore Community Church, UCC on beautiful Willoughby Lake. She is a singer, quilter, pie baker, and ping-pong enthusiast. She loves to write worship materials and finds scripture an inexhaustible well.

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