Transfiguration: Holy Ground
Below you will find a Call to Worship and a Prayer for Illumination for Transfiguration Sunday. The Call to Worship weaves in Matthew 17:1-9 and is most appropriate for Lectionary Year A. The Prayer for Illumination is appropriate any year. (Note: the Bible translation used below the Common English Bible but any could be used).
CALL TO WORSHIP (Matthew 17:1-9)
One: Six days later Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and brought them to the top of a very high mountain. He was transformed, transfigured, in front of them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as light.
MANY: Miraculous! Then what happened?
One: Then, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Jesus. Peter reacted to all of this by saying to Jesus, “Lord, it’s good that we’re here. If you want, I’ll make three shrines: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
MANY: Hmmm…I think Peter missed the point!
One: He sure did. So, while Peter was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them. A voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son whom I dearly love. I am very pleased with him. Listen to him!”
MANY: That must have been shocking! I bet the disciples freaked out.
One: They sure did. And after hearing this, the disciples fell on their faces, filled with awe. But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.”
MANY: What a story! What a God we worship. What Holy Ground we stand on today in this place!
HYMN: “Holy Ground,” words and music by Geron Davis (1983)
Bright one, illuminated one, glowing one, illuminate us today in worship through your presence, and your people, and your Word. AMEN.
© Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen, 2017