Wait for Us: A Prayer for World Communion Sunday
One thread running throughout Scripture is of God’s waiting for we human beings to come around, come back, and come together. Below is a prayer to be used as part of a Communion Liturgy for World Communion Sunday that asks God to “wait for us.” It was written for use at the United Church of Underhill, VT on 10/2/2016.
Christ, as we gather around this table, which is bigger than our eyes can see, and better than our minds can imagine, we pray that you will wait for us:
wait for us to want less;
wait for us to live in balance with creation;
wait for us pray ourselves empty;
wait for us to give ourselves over to ritual;
wait for us to fall in love with love;
wait for us fall out of love with violence and hate;
wait for us to grow deeper and wider;
wait for us to extend your table to all and to every;
wait for us to not only celebrate a World Communion…
…but to live a World Communion too.
We pray beloved Christ, that you will wait for us…
…while we empty ourselves of everything else…
…and fill ourselves with you.
And so praying that you will wait for us, we wait now for you: come, Spirit, come. Blow through our grains…stir up our wine…breathe into us…make us whole…and make us one in you. Amen.
© Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen, 2016