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Posted by on Aug 20, 2016 | 0 comments

Mapping Our Prayers


Here is a great idea I learned from our church’s youth group led by my friend and amazing youth group leader, Anne Clift.  To help people connect their prayers with place, as part of a youth-led service, a family service, on Sunday morning, or anytime you are praying with a group, try this:

  • Before a service, get a wall map or two (the bigger the better) of your state, country, and/or the world.
  • Mount the map(s) on a cork board and place in an accessible place in your worship space.  (If you have more than one map, consider spreading them out).
  • Put a cup filled with push pins near each map.
  • When it is time to pray, invite people to move to one of the maps and to place a pushpin in the geographic location related to their prayer.  For example, a prayer for a person in Chicago would get a pin in Chicago.  A prayer for Syria would get a pin in Syria, and so on.
  • For those who find it difficult or uncomfortable to move to a map, make sure you have ushers who can take a prayer request and add a pin to a map for those who request it.
  • If the space you are in is one you use regularly for worship, you may want to leave the maps in place for a few weeks or longer, inviting people to add pushpins as they are moved.

© Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen, 2016

Kevin Goldenbogen is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ serving an amazing congregation in the foothills of the Green Mountains of Vermont. He skis, climbs, runs, bakes bread, rides a red Vespa, and tries every day to follow Jesus. He is married to the perfect woman and has two boys who he loves beyond words.

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