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An Ash Wednesday Reading for 2 Voices

Posted by on Feb 11, 2019 in By Season, Lent, Scripture/Readings, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

An Ash Wednesday Reading for 2 Voices

Here is an Ash Wednesday reading based on Psalm, 51, verses 1-17 that is meant for two readers.  The text of the Psalm is interspersed with commentary by an imaginary person reading and reflecting on the text.  The commentary itself may be useful, but it’s also there to give permission to worshipers to engage in their own honest dialogue with this ancient text.  Of course, the commentary can be changed as you see fit for use in your particular setting.  (Note: the Psalm text is from the New Revised Standard Version but most translations...

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LENT 2019: Create in Me

Posted by on Feb 3, 2019 in Lent, Sermons, Slideshow | 0 comments

LENT 2019: Create in Me

Lent can be an especially good time to preach a sermon series as attendance (in my experience) is consistent and increases as Easter approaches.  This year I was inspired by the Ash Wednesday reading from Psalm 51:  “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” Commentators tell us that “create” is a translation of the Hebrew bara’, and is usually used to describe God’s actions.  God is the one who creates.  The psalmist’s prayer, is an appeal for God to act by...

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Blessing of the Palms 2018

Posted by on Mar 23, 2018 in Lent, Prayers/Litanies, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

Blessing of the Palms 2018

A simple blessing of the palms for Palm Sunday 2018. Blessing of the Palms Blessed Christ who comes in the name of the Lord, may these palms be, not toys, but tools: tools that we hand out to one another on Palm Sunday; tools that we walk over as we enter worship; tools that we fold into crosses and playfully swat our brother or sister with; tools that we bring home with us to dry and to remind; tools that we will burn next Ash Wednesday to mark our foreheads, and our mortality; and tools that we use to enter into this Holy Week, enter into...

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Posted by on Feb 7, 2018 in Lent, Prayers/Litanies, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments


A prayer for Ash Wednesday that could be adapted to use throughout an Ash Wednesday service. Fragile…exposed…mortal…temporary…finite… …ashes and dust…we…you and me.   So we put on clothes and then armor… …we put on degrees and wealth… …we put on insurance policies… …we put on achievements and addictions… …and we put on anything that will make us feel… …if only for a minute… …that we are anything but ashes and dust.   So God calls to us… …through prophets like Joel… …through a savior like Jesus… …and through this season of Lent… …for...

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“Wondrous” Lenten Reading

Posted by on Jan 27, 2018 in Arts, Lent, Scripture/Readings, Slideshow | 0 comments

“Wondrous” Lenten Reading

Through the seasons of the church year, we are quick to change colors, paraments, candles, seating arrangements and hymns, but maybe not so quick to change how we read Scripture.  In most churches I know, there is “the” Scripture moment in worship when the liturgist/worship assistant/reader walks to the lectern, introduces the reading(s), reads, and then sits down.  The readings change seasonally, of course, but HOW we read them remains consistent. Consistency in the HOW of reading is not a bad thing, but diversity in the HOW of...

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MT Communion Liturgy

Posted by on Apr 3, 2017 in By Season, Communion and Baptism, Lent, Prayers/Litanies, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

MT Communion Liturgy

Below is a simple Communion Liturgy to be used on Maundy Thursday.  It was written for an “upper room” service that begins with a light potluck supper and ends with a service of Tenebrae.  In between is an “unforgetting” of the Last Supper and a celebration of Holy Communion around the dinner table.  It was written for two celebrants but could be easily adapted for one. Invitation – For the first time, or for the 1,000th time, we gather tonight around Christ’s table.  The chairs at this table are not for some,...

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Lazarus to Life: A Reading

Posted by on Mar 22, 2017 in Lent, Prayers/Litanies, Scripture/Readings, Slideshow | 0 comments

Lazarus to Life: A Reading

Below is a retelling of the story of the resurrection of Lazarus from John 11:1-45.  It has been designed for 2 readers and congregational responses.  It could easily be adapted for 1, 3, or 4 readers.  Please note that the response and prayer of confession were inspired by a poem by Robin E. Van Cleef, titled, “Call Forth Life” which was published in the March/April 2017 edition of “Alive Now” magazine (Upper Room Ministries). READER 1:         Voices from the Wilderness. As we hear this morning’s Gospel story from John, let us...

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Wilderness in a Bag

Posted by on Mar 4, 2017 in Arts, Children's Message, Lent, Prayers/Litanies, Slideshow | 0 comments

Wilderness in a Bag

I am always looking for ways to “extend the sanctuary”…always looking for ways to extend worship for individuals and families into Sunday afternoon and the rest of the week.  Fortunately, Lent is such a rich season and provides many symbols and opportunities to do just this! On the first Sunday in Lent 2017 I planned the following for our Children’s message: I took some all purpose sand (about $2.50 for 50# lb bag) and: 1) I poured one whole 50 bag onto a tarp at the front of the church to make a small wilderness area;...

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Keep Calm, See God: Ash Wed. 2017

Posted by on Feb 13, 2017 in Call to Worship, Communion and Baptism, Lent, Prayers/Litanies, Scripture/Readings, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

Keep Calm, See God: Ash Wed. 2017

Below is an order of worship for an ecumenical Ash Wednesday service for 2017.  This service was conceived by Rev. John H.D. Lucy (Jericho United Methodist Church), Rev. Steve Anderson (Covenant Community Church) & Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen (United Church of Underhill), and designed by Rev. Lucy. “Keep Calm and See God “- Ecumenical Ash Wednesday Service, 2017 ~  DEATH WITH GOD Welcome Unison Prayer Scripture Reading: Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 Hymn: “Sunday’s Palms Are Wednesday’s Ashes,” words, E. E. Whitney, music,...

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Through the Church Year

Posted by on Jul 6, 2016 in Advent, Benediction, Children's Message, Christmas, Easter, Epiphany, Lent, Pentecost, Prayers/Litanies, Slideshow, Special Sundays/Services | 0 comments

Through the Church Year

Below is a detailed liturgy for a single Sunday morning service that walks a congregation through the entire Church calendar from Advent through Reign of Christ.  Through Word, explanation, and song, this service is a worshipful way to educate and to help a multi-generational congregation to participate in the rhythms and patterns of the liturgical year.  It was originally used in 2006 for a United Church of Christ congregation in Massachusetts. (Note: *= Stand as you are able)  Order of Worship  Prelude & Meditation Time Greetings,...

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