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Called to Lead

Posted by on Jan 21, 2016 in Call to Worship, Leadership, Prayers/Litanies, Scripture/Readings, Sermons, Slideshow | 0 comments

Called to Lead

During the fall of 2015, a group of us gathered in the basement of our church for 6 Wednesdays to study Scripture and explore our own calls to leadership through a resource from Logos Productions, titled: “God Calls Leaders.”  As our study came to a close, we decided to take our study out of the basement and into the sanctuary.  Our motivation: to further explore our own calls to leadership while helping the congregation to the same. We were fortunate to have an artist in our study group who suggested that we find a way to...

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Advent 2015: The Faith Awakens

Posted by on Nov 21, 2015 in Advent, Children's Message, Christmas, Sermons, Slideshow, Worship Advertising | 0 comments

Advent 2015: The Faith Awakens

BILLIONS.  That’s how much I imagine Walt Disney will be spending to promote the new Star Wars film set to release in theaters on 12/18/2015.  You know, Star Wars: the Force Awakens, part of the Star Wars film franchise that has embedded itself so deeply in my brain (and probably yours!) that I know the story better in some ways than I know “the greatest story ever told.” Oh, there is great potential here to move our worship and preaching into conversation with Star Wars.  BILLIONS.  Did I mention that the film industry will...

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