Call to Worship
Capturing Lent
Cameras are ubiquitous and inter-generational. Kids have ’em on their tablets and DS’s, teens and adults have ’em on their phones, grandparents and great-grandparents probably have a phone-camera too…if not…they are likely to have one lying around the house. Why not use them for worship and faith formation? Here is an idea we used during Lent 2015 that you might adapt for your own use (could be used in any season). during Epiphany we advertised a Lenten theme of CAPTURING LENT using logo to the right: we...
read more[.mp3] to Worship
Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone It is common in many church services to begin with a CALL TO WORSHIP. It’s an ancient thing to do and we Christians do it for a variety of reasons: 1) historical (we learned it from our Jewish brothers and sisters – shema); 2) theological (it reminds us that it is God who calls us to worship); 3) scriptural (calls to worship are often adapted from psalms and other scripture passages); and 4) practical (a call to worship signals the start of a service and focuses a...
read moreSharing the Banquet: Luke 15:1-3; 11-32
Worship and Communion Resources based on Luke 15: 1-3,11-32 (Prodigal Son) CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Though we are often wayward and stubbornly independent, People: God invites us to share the banquet. Leader: Though we are often obedient and dull, People: God calls us to join in the dance. Leader: Are you hungry? Come and eat. People: Are you lonely? Come and touch those who love you. Leader: Friends, let us worship and feast at the Lord’s Table. People: All are welcome here. PRAYER OF INVOCATION...
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During the fall of 2015, a group of us gathered in the basement of our church for 6 Wednesdays to study Scripture and explore our own calls to leadership through a resource from Logos Productions, titled: “God Calls Leaders.” As our study came to a close, we decided to take our study out of the basement and into the sanctuary. Our motivation: to further explore our own calls to leadership while helping the congregation to the same. We were fortunate to have an artist in our study group who suggested that we find a way to...
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