Christ’s Threads: A Litany for WCS

Leader: According to John’s Gospel, when Jesus was facing death, he took time to imagine unity and to pray using these words: Response: That they may all be one. Leader: Jesus’ vision was not for unity between some, but between all, and with God. Response: That they may all be one. Leader: It’s true: the unity Jesus imagined and sacrificed to make real, has not been fully realized. Today, we lament divisions within the church and divisions between the church and all others. Response: That they may all be one. Leader: It’s also true, that though our unity is not complete, there is still so much we share in common. Today, we celebrate the ways and places that we are united more than we are divided. Response: That they may all be one. Leader: The unity Christ imagined will come, not only through hard work and good intentions, but also through the countercultural threads of our God in Christ, who calls us to weave unity, not with the coercion, power and violence…but with the threads of caregiving, relationship, and love. Response: That they may all be one. Leader: This World Communion Sunday is an opportunity for us to recommit ourselves to Christ’s threads that bring peace, justice and true unity between all people and with God. Response: That they may all be one.
© Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen, 2018