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Posted by on Dec 1, 2016 | 0 comments

Our Joy: Prayers for Advent 3

Prayers for the 3rd Sunday of Advent (Magnificat — Luke 1:46-55) 

Prayer of Invocation – God of song and silence, speak to us today. God of joy and justice, help us to see how you weave them together, in wombs and rooms, in letters written, and privileges waived. God of surprising power and fierce tenderness, visit us. Fill us with your spirit, and give us voices to sing your praise. 

Prayer of Confession – Holy One, sometimes, we admit, we are the ones who need to be brought low, taken down a peg, reminded that the world does not revolve around us. Sometimes we need to remember that we are privileged by our nationality, our race, our wealth:  the accidents of our birth, which we did not do anything to deserve. On this day of joy, strip away our false pride and our complacency, and help us to stand before you empty-handed and open-hearted….

Holy One sometimes, we feel insignificant, carried along by the currents of the world’s violence and indifference. We feel powerless, and afraid to speak out, because no one is listening, and what is one voice, anyway?

On this day of joy, remind us that one voice can carry far, when speaking the truth in love. Fill us with courage to sing your song, and to proclaim the love of Jesus, more powerful than all the world’s armies and billionaires.  Amen.

Assurance of Pardon – God lifts up the lowly. Jesus chooses to be born into our world. God’s tenderness meets our need. We are forgiven and set free to live. This is our hope, our peace, and our joy!

© Rev. Martha B. Peck, 2016

Rev. Martha Beckwith Peck has served three churches in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, beginning in 1981, and is currently pastor of the Westmore Community Church, UCC on beautiful Willoughby Lake. She is a singer, quilter, pie baker, and ping-pong enthusiast. She loves to write worship materials and finds scripture an inexhaustible well.

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