Advent Wreath 2018

Advent 1: Hope
Word of Hope: Psalm 25:1-10
One: Lift up our souls. MANY: As your beloved, we ask: do not remember our failings. One: But lead us in truth. MANY: Teach us your covenant ways. One: Make them known to us. MANY: And lift up our souls. One: We light this candle of hope to lift up the souls of all who see it. [LIGHT 1 CANDLE]Response: (to the tune of Silent Night)
Grow-ing hope, grow-ing hope, lift our souls, lift our lives.
Lead us gent-ly, safel-ly, home. Stead-fast, faith-ful-ly, guid-ing us home.
Teach us covenant way-s. Tea-ch us covenant way-s.
Advent 2: Peace
Word of Peace: Luke 1:68-79
One: Blessed be the God of Israel, our God. MANY: God has raised up a mighty savior, a prophet of the Most High. One: Bringing knowledge, salvation and forgiveness. MANY: Making the dawn to break upon us. One: Shining light and guiding our feet into the way of peace. MANY: We light these candles to bring hope and peace to all who see them. [LIGHT 2 CANDLES]Response: (to the tune of Silent Night)
Grow-ing peace, grow-ing peace, sent from God, real through Christ.
Light is shin-ing, guiding our feet. Peace-ful savior is com-ing so soon.
Dawn’s a-break-ing, now. Dawn is a-break-ing, now.
Advent 3: Joy
Word of Joy: Isaiah 12:2-6 One: Let’s trust God who is our strength and our salvation. MANY: With joy, let’s draw water from the wells of salvation. One: Let’s give thanks to God and praise God’s name. MANY: Let’s sing so that all on earth know. One: Know the greatness of God. MANY: Know the greatness of our God who saves. [LIGHT 3 CANDLES]Response: (to the tune of Silent Night)
Grow-ing joy, grow-ing joy, trust in God, trust in Christ.
Sing from hym-nals, songs sweetly sung. Prais-ing, thank-ful-ness, great-ness of God.
Joy, such hea-ven-ly, jo-y. Jo-y, such hea-ven-ly, joy.
Advent 4: Love
Word of Love: Luke 1:46-55 One: My soul glorifies the Lord. MANY: God has looked on me with favor and holy is God’s name. One: God lifts up the lowly and fills the hungry with good things. MANY: God has been faithful and merciful. One: God has been love. MANY: God is love. [LIGHT 4 CANDLES]Response: (to the tune of Silent Night)
Grow-ing love, grow-ing love, God is love, Christ is love.
Lifts the low-ly, hungry are filled. Jesus, ho-ly, ho-ly, name.
May we lov-ing-ly foll-ow. May we so lov-ing-ly love.
Christmas Eve
Word of Incarnation: Luke 2:1-7 One: In those days a decree went out that all should be counted. MANY: In those days, a vulnerable family left home for Bethlehem. One: In those days, the inn was full. MANY: On that day and young mother labored with love… One: …and gave birth to love… MANY: …and wrapped love in bands of cloth. [LIGHT ALL CANDLES]Response: “Advent Response” (to the tune of Silent Night)
Wrapp-ing love, swaddl-ing love, bands of cloth, man-ger laid.
One young moth-er, fa-ther and child. God-ly in-fant, so hum-an, so wild.
Christ: in-carn-ate love. Chr- ist: in-carn-ate love.
© Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen, 2018