2018 Blessing of the Sunday School

2018 Blessing of the Sunday School Curriculum ordered and received. Classrooms organized. Bulletin board updated. Paper, scissors and sticky glue ready at a moment’s notice. Christian Education team is on top of things. A new Sunday School year is about to begin. Some teachers here may be a bit nervous about what is being asked of them. Some students may be a bit nervous about what they will find, what they will learn, and who they will learn it with. And some parents may be nervous as well, wondering: will the learning in this place fit my values? God of love, Christ our teacher, and Spirit of presence, enter into our Sunday School plans and people. Calm nervousness and inspire excitement. Help us to worry less about what we don’t have and don’t know…so that we can use what we DO have and what we DO know to build one another up in love. And God, through it all, bless us all as you have done so many times before, so that our Sunday School will be safety and encouragement, challenge and resistance, knowledge and Gospel for all who come here seeking relationships and seeking you. AMEN.
© Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen, 2018