Sharing the Banquet: Luke 15:1-3; 11-32
Worship and Communion Resources based on Luke 15: 1-3,11-32 (Prodigal Son)
Leader: Though we are often wayward and stubbornly independent,
People: God invites us to share the banquet.
Leader: Though we are often obedient and dull,
People: God calls us to join in the dance.
Leader: Are you hungry? Come and eat.
People: Are you lonely? Come and touch those who love you.
Leader: Friends, let us worship and feast at the Lord’s Table.
People: All are welcome here.
Holy One, Loving Parent, Host at life’s banquet, Heart-broken Savior,
draw us close to you by your fierce and gentle love.
Meet us here, whether we come willingly or grudgingly,
light of heart or weighed down by life’s sorrows.
Open our spirits, Lord, to the wideness of your mercy
and the abundance of your grace,
so that our worship today becomes a celebration of all you are,
and all you have given to us. Amen.
Leader: Lord Jesus, we confess that we have tried to justify ourselves in your sight by our hard work and our law-abiding ways. Instead we have been too often resentful of the freedom of others. We have judged those who are not like us. We have failed to take pleasure in the good earth and the joy of honest work. Forgive us, and invite us to your banquet of grace.
People: God says: “You are my beloved sons and daughters. Nothing you do will ever lessen my love for you. Come and rejoice with me.”
Leader: Lord Jesus, we confess that we have run away from your love, seeking freedom over responsibility, trying to make it on our own, according to shallow measures of success. Forgive us, and let us come home to you.
People: God says: “You are my beloved sons and daughters. Nothing you do will ever lessen my love for you. Come and rejoice with me.”
This is not my table or your table.
It’s not a reserved table for those who belong, or for those who measure up.
It’s not for church members with seniority,
or for those who believe the right things or live the right ways.
It’s the Lord’s table. It is for all who are hungry. It is for all who need a place to belong.
It is for celebrating our common humanity and our marvelous diversity.
It is the Lord’s table. Christ is our host, and we are the lucky guests.
All are welcome here.
Holy One, we remember your love as we gather at your table.
We remember how you explained God to us—
a parent who runs to meet a wayward child,
a host who spreads a banquet, just because we are together.
We remember how you came to earth
to break bread with saints and seekers and sinners,
and how every meal where you were present became a celebration.
We remember that your last meal with your friends
included both laughter and sorrow, both betrayal and forgiveness.
We remember that you told us you would be with us forever,
in the fragrant nourishment of bread, and the life-giving sip of wine,
wherever two or three of us are gathered,
whenever prayers are uttered, songs are sung,
and lives are risked for love’s sake.
Bless us now, dear Lord as we gather at your table.
Feed us, renew us and send us forth to live
in joyful freedom and prodigal abundance. Amen.
The Lord Jesus, on the same night he was betrayed, took bread
and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples saying
“This is my body, broken for you. Take and eat.”
And after supper he took the cup, and when he had given thanks,
he shared it with them, saying “This cup is the new covenant in my blood.
Drink it in remembrance of me.”
Christ’s life, broken for us, that we might be whole.
Christ’s life, poured out for us, that we might live with courage and joy.
© Rev. Martha B. Peck, 2016